This page last changed on Feb 14, 2008 by rtinker.

Marcia: focus on helping students learn from models and on providing good analysis of student learning to teachers.
Paul: Capa does detailed performance assessments.
Marcia: Need to develop the materials in collaboration with the teachers. Kathy: pacing guides are coming--they will have a lot of impact on our design. They will have some flexibility.
Need to make customizable units.
Jim: We need to iterate materials with teachers. Need to start soon.
Jim: It is very hard to get teachers to look at student work and adjust accordingly. It was a big problem in the "Models" project.
Kevin & Kathy: If the reports are timely and useful in assessment, teachers will be all over it.
Jim: Should we write down deal killers and essential program elements?
Marcia: Are there ways to simplify the MW authoring environment?
Stephen: Need to make it possible to edit the MW model in the SAIL environment.
Marcia: Teacher love customization. But sometimes they want to convert materials into a text. The "patterns" help teachers see the logic of the activity. Templates can help, particularly if they provide justification.
Jim: Make it easy to add wigits (objects that have common functions) to MW--a second level of scripting. Include run-time functions.
Jim: Use the summer workshop to develop detailed milestones that drive technology, materials, and TPD deadlines.
Marcia: TELS has a brand and following. This project should be called TELS in schools.
Marcia: Schools often do "investigations" that are content-free at the beginning of the year. We could take advantage of this by providing materials. We would only gain a few weeks this way.
Stephen: TELS concept needs to be expanded. Is anything that uses SAIL a TELS project? How about "Powered by TELS."
Marcia: Try to reduce duplications. Conversations and communications between groups can help with this.
Jim: Wants to be sure that LOOPS development supports the long term TELS needs. For example, TELS needs a discussion tool.
Bob and Scott: Our goals were to monolithic--going forward we need to break the problem down into parts or layers and either collaborate on these, or decide to make smaller parallel components.
Marcia: Frustrated because grad students cannot gather data.
Marcia: Hewlett Foundation is interested in helping the field with our plumbing. Could be a creative commons.
Scott: Collaborative tools will come out of LOOPS needs.
Jim: There was not enough communication between Berkeley and CC in the past. The fall tech retreat was important.
Bob: We will work on improving communication and responding to the researchers' needs as quickly as possible.
Marcia: We should document our collaboration, including warts.
Kathy: Speaking for the tech team at Berkeley. They want meetings on strategies more often rather than operational. Perhaps a SAIL meeting once in while.

Marcia: (In response to CAPA) LOOPS needs a simple way of collecting data and setting up filters.
Paul: Don't collect too little data. Decide first what your goal is. If you collect too much data, you can always throw some away.
--Long discussion about how to 'instrument' activities and how much data to collect.
Paul: Oscilloscope example. Data is all changes the student made. The only analysis is whether the student came up with setting that show the trace correctly.
Kevin: This is generalizable to other models!!

Discussion on the level of teacher control and how that intersects with in-class collaboration and scheduling during a class that facilitates collaboration.

Document generated by Confluence on Jan 27, 2014 16:43